The sustainability projects of


Inzersdorfer and Ovomaltine eliminate palm oil

In almost all Inzersdorfer preserves products, palm oil and palm fat have been replaced by alternative ingredients such as sunflower oil. In the case of Inzersdorfer’s ready-made meals in a bowl that are still manufactured using palm oil, only RSPO-certified palm oil is used. Partner brand Ovomaltine has also responded to the trend and has made its Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream product palm oil-free.


Cooperation with Hektar Nektar in support of sustainable honey production

MARESI actively supports Hektar Nektar and, by extension, a healthy bee population and eco-friendly honey. The recipes of the Himmeltau brand are sweetened with sustainable Hektar Nektar honey.


Sustainably packaged on the go

Produced regionally in Austria and packaged sustainably - this is how Austria likes to spoon! The 3 new soup dishes not only impress with their taste but also come in an environmentally friendly and recyclable glass container.

Inzersdorfer also deliberately dispenses with black plastic in the bowls and only uses white bowls for easier recycling.

Pure beef from Austria

The newly developed Inzersdorfer sub-brand Pure Beef is made exclusively from Austrian beef!


Sustainability at KnabberNossi

Since March 2022, KnabberNossi has been using thinner foils, saving 11.4 tons of packaging material every year. This initiative is the first step in a multi-stage sustainability program.

The vision of sustainability is clearly formulated at KnabberNossi: "In the next two years, we want to develop innovative, environmentally friendly packaging for our products that can be completely recycled," explains Dr. Andreas Nentwich, Managing Director at Maresi Austria. As part of the "Reflex" industry project, KnabberNossi is therefore actively working with research institutions, packaging suppliers and production partners to realize this vision. A particular challenge is the consideration of numerous "Food Safety" and "Food Protect" parameters that are typical for foods with a long shelf life. These guarantee optimal product protection and consistently high product quality, which, however, means that the development of the new packaging alternatives takes more time takes up.
Until then, the first concrete steps towards a sustainable packaging strategy are already being taken at KnabberNossi. As part of the revision of the packaging design since March 2022, the individual packs have also been switched to thinner films, which enable the material used to be reduced by 9 to 24%. This means that a total of 11.4 tons of packaging material can be saved each year. In addition, paper alternatives for the storage packs are already in the test phase, and a switch to paper tubular bags should take place from the end of 2022. Bowls made of 100% recycled plastic for the Minis and Kleiner Spiesser varieties are also in the test phase and should be used from 2023.

Siggi and Himmeltau save plastic

In 2021, the plastic straw was replaced by a paper straw for both Siggi drinks and the Himmeltau semolina drink. The drinking straw is not only environmentally friendly, but also very stable and stays in place for a long time.
By switching to paper drinking straws, Siggi can save around 7.2 tons of plastic a year in the future. This also saves more than 500kg of plastic a year at Himmeltau.
In combination with the CartoCan - the cardboard can, which has a CO2 footprint that is up to 60% smaller than, for example, an aluminum can - the Siggi drinks and the Himmeltau semolina drink are pioneers in sustainable packaging.

Maresi Austria GmbH
Hietzinger Hauptstr. 119 - 121
A-1130 Wien
Phone: +43/1/53189-0 Fax: +43/1/53189-24